Commander in Chief (2005–2006)
The "Absolute Best " New Show on Television
28 April 2006
This series is the best that I have seen in a long, long time. The acting is superb, although hubby could be less visible, and the format is unique. A Female president! I would certainly vote for this one and I hope that she remains in office for many years. I have heard, though, that the network, dummies they are, are thinking of pulling it off the air. For what? Another "reality" show? Please! They've already damaged it's support of viewers by pitting against that perennial giant, Without a trace. A sad day indeed, if this show is not renewed for at least another year in a better time slot. How are viewers supposed to remain loyal to a network when that network habitually pulls off the shows that rate the best. Commander in Chief was tops in the ratings the first few weeks and then, for some inexplicable reason, the show went on "hiatus", I guess to allow viewers to "forget" this show. Then when it returned, it was pitted against the aforementioned giant on a different network. Almost as if this show is meant to be doomed. Well, If it is, this network will not have the pleasure of me watching anything else it provides. Why would I? It will only get yanked when it becomes another show that i love as much as the Commander in Chief. Blind Justice was another, that I believe was on this network and it also got pulled. What's the sense in it all?
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