Running Wild (1995)
Aww, Aren't They Cute?
28 April 2006
This wasn't much of a story and Martin Sheen did probably the worst job of acting I've ever seen him do, but it doesn't really matter because the essence of the movie is the wildlife photography.

John Varty, a British conservationist living in Africa, plays himself in this story of him raising two baby leopards and finding a home for them. Brooke Shields is an American writer looking to write about a story about it. She's just in the movie to show her pretty face and say, "Aww, aren't they cute?" That's about all she does, which gets a little annoying after awhile.

Some of the photography is spectacular, with beautiful scenery and a disturbing scene or two (i.e. a crocodile trying to eat a water buffalo.) The language is very mild, with only three swear words, probably put in to get a "PG" rating.
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