comment on appearance of Billie Dove and Jimmy Durante in film
27 April 2006
Yhis is a very entertaining film. Billie Dove and Jimmy Durante are given co star billing in this Marion Davies film. Durante appears at the end peforming a musical number, not seemingly involved with the other characters. It is widely known that Davies mentor, Ramdolph Hearst had editorial control over her films and may have cut parts where attention is given to other actors.Billie Dove a huge singing star of her time, decided to quit show business after this film. About an hour into the film, in a "woman to woman" talk between the characters played by Davies and Dove, Davies refers to Doves character name as Lurlene Callabash, Could Dove be Mr. Durante's famous Callabash of " goodnight Mrs. Calabash" ' his famous closing line from stage and TV years later? Historians say it was Durante's first wife.Any role playing between Durante and Dove may have been left on the cutting room floor.They at least worked on the same film together. Interesting,
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