standard Lloyd short
26 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a solid Harold Lloyd short, though it is not particularly outstanding one way or the other. The pacing is good and the film is fun to watch--very typical of a Lloyd film.

The film begins with a lady going to a lawyer to find out about her grandfather's will. She is the heir, but the lawyer is dishonest (wow--I didn't see THAT coming) and plans on swindling her out of the money. Just to make sure, he hires a group of goons to go kidnap her. Well, being a comedy, Harold stumbles into the group and they think he, too, is a crook. We follows along until he discovers their evil scheme. This leads to the weakest element of the film. When he repeatedly tries to get policemen to help free the girl they ALL ignore him! Now, I know that some police departments are worse than others, but usually telling even the worst police that someone has been kidnapped garners SOME attention. Well, not in this film. So, Harold decides to begin attacking and menacing cop after cop after cop and leading them on a chase to the bad guys' hideout. It works and the day is saved. Huzzah!
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