Review of Der Clown

Der Clown (2005)
My Name Is Dieter, You Must Pet My Monkey, Der Clowns Verboten!
22 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK let me just say that I was very entertained by Der Clown. I will usually channel surf right past the dozens of straight to video action crap that Hollywood puts out every year but I caught Der Clown close to the half way point with this dude in a clown mask on a BMW being chased by a hot Euro babe and a dude on another BMW bike and I said, hmmmm, lets watch this and see where it goes. Now I, being an American (overseas of course because Der Clown is verboten on the US cable channels), have never seen the TV show so I don't come in with a bias to compare this movie to. But I mean judging by the one and two star comments, you Germans take your A Team shows very seriously I see! I thought this movie was really cool with lots of expensive cars and helicopters and even a cargo plane blown all the hell up, and the explosions were very very large, because we don't like girlie-man explosions on Der Clown! It also made a few jokes along the way so I mean Dieter, you need to lighten up, Der Clown is very entertaining! 9 of 10 not on a regular movie film scale but compared to any straight to video action flick put out in Hollywood, Der Clown is one of the coolest crap action movie I've seen. I'd like to see it in German with English subtitles next time, just to hear those hot Euro babes talk!
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