Pixar's Absolute Best
22 April 2006

Plot: Excellent

Characters: Great

Music: Good

Animation: Great

Reasons to watch: You know, Pixar movies just get better and better...and so far, this is the best one...super, you might call it. The Incredibles is really "incredible" with a great voice cast (Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson and heck, even director Brad Bird provides a voice), creative plot and wonderfully developed characters. It will make you laugh and move you at the same time.

Basic Plot: Bob Parr (Craig T.Nelson) and his family- wife, Helen (Holly Hunter), teenage daughter Violet (Sarah Vowell) and sons Dash and Baby Jack-Jack-may seem normal at first glance, but they really are superheroes with great powers. Bob was known as Mr. Incredible in his years as a superhero and Helen was Elastigirl. their two children, Violet and Dash, also have superpowers: Violet can become invisible at will and Dash can run faster than any normal child. They are in hiding because supers have been accused of hurting people more than helping them. Bob,however, pines for the glory days and would give anything to relive them. When he gets an invitation for a new job after being fired from his old one, Insuracare (His insuracare boss is voiced by Wallace Shawn), by a mysterious woman named Mirage, he feels as if his glory life has been regained, but soon, he learns it's all a ruse to trap him. The villain: Syndrome (Jason Lee of My Name is Earl). It isn't too long before Helen and the kids find out and they (after Violet hires a babysitter for jack Jack, featured in the animated Short, Jack Jack Attack, a hilarious feature on the DVD)rush to his aid. Can they save him before Syndrome releases the ultimate weapon of Destruction-The Omnidroid?!

Fave Character: Violet Parr, because she is the one I can most relate to: A teenager who struggles to find herself, especially if you have superpowers. I also love Edna Mode (Played by Director Brad Bird). She is a riot!

10/10! Pixar's Best!
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