Inspirational and beautiful.
18 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
From viewing this film, one can really read whatever they wish into the plot. A monk notices a fish swimming in the source of the monastery's water – with the lively animation we see the monk desperately trying to get the fish which climaxes in the final sense of journey in the last moments of this wonderful piece of animated art. A few viewings of this film, one can come away with a very symbolic journey of one's faith. Really a very powerful and beautiful work that opens the viewer to interpreting the film more deeply than what it presents on the surface.

For example you can take a small scene and read a lot of information within it: *Partial Spoiler* What one can construe from the scene where the other monks come by and not notice the fish even after the main character goes to such lengths as jumping about and what we perceive as exaggerated motions of the fish's existence – the fact that they cannot see the fish and ignore the monk, could suggest that the fish itself is a form of the monk's faith. Which would go to explain the later journey at the end of the film.

Overall very powerful, vibrant and beautiful work.
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