Review of Adam & Steve

Adam & Steve (2005)
Wow....So Bad!!
11 April 2006
This gay comedy has been advertised as a combination of Farrelly Brothers grossness with "When Harry met Sally" deftness, a tall order that writer/director Craig Chester is simply unable to deliver. For starters, he doesn't really have a plot, just a situation (two guys who had a bad date hook up 17 yrs later and don't know it.) So the movie just sort of lays there and Chester tries to throw in funny bits, i.e, a female comic (Parker Posey, looking great) who is not funny (THIS is supposed to be funny???), wacky parents, etc. These bits are as uninspired as the non-existent plot.

As for the grossness (a stream of diarrhea, for example), it's just gross, not funny. AND there are some awful original songs, the worst being a country western number, "Shit Happens." Kinda makes you yearn for Patty Duke crooning "It's Impossible" in "Valley of the Dolls." Anything good? Yes. Noah Segan is very funny as a pretentious young actor, there is a very hot dancer in a red T shirt and you get to hear John Lennon's lovely "Love Is" in the final scene. Otherwise, this is a wash that never could have gotten produced, save for whatever contacts Craig Chester must have. He's a good actor (though not in this, where he is clearly too old for his role) and should stick to that.

Skip "Adam and Steve" and rent "Kissing Jessic Stein" or "Trick" instead. Life's too short.
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