Ghostboat (2006 TV Movie)
10 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A submarine lost in WW2 re-appears in 1981 and David Jason's character Hardy (The only survivor of it's last voyage) is asked to go back with a crew and retrace the steps of the Submarines's last journey (why? You may ask?...well obviously it wouldn't be much of a drama if they just found it and put it in a maritime museum :p)

Anyway after the recent hype about the drama I did have high expectations but was disappointed. There was lots of submarine jargon which went over my head, so unless you have a particular history with or an interest in submarines, then I'm assuming most people would have the same problem... and so it got a little confusing.

I wouldn't attack the plot too much because after all it is called 'Ghostboat' and so you expect it to be a little far fetched/supernatural so that's fine BUT... at the end when the Navy and the Russian Navy (or whatever they're called in Russia) closed the case on the strange goings on, there was no mention of and never any mention of, all the other boats they blew up along the way...and as for the hostile German aircrafts...well I can only assume that they were imagined?

Now I know there were some grey areas as to which was going on in the past and which was in the present but Hardy did state that it was only 1943 inside of the sub and still very much 1981 outside... hence the reason why the Russians of 1981 were getting a little anxious at the sight of the sub on its radar... so I'm assuming that the boats they blew up were real and of 1981 too?

But...if I did get too confused by all the submarine jargon...and completely missed something due to this fact...and anyone knows any different...please tell me?

Thanks :-)
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