Review of Members Only

The Sopranos: Members Only (2006)
Season 6, Episode 1
Bada-bing! Bada-boom! A great way to return a new season full of surprises!
7 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After nearly a two year wait "The Sopranos" returned with a bang! It seems as if season 6 will be the best and have the most drama allowed by law, as seen with this first episode "Members Only". In a real shocker one of Tony's longtime members Eugene Pontecorvo, wants out wanting to start a new life and relocate in Florida, but you know what honor and sticking it out means to Tony and the gang. So Gene's request is denied only then a shock happens that leaves an impact on our emotions and shows us right away that this season will be full of high drama! I don't want to say no more many might be waiting to watch this episode on DVD who don't get HBO, so wait for the shocker even though Eugene was a minor character this scene leaves an impact. Only this episode ends with a bang as Tony is shot by Uncle Junior! The big question was Junior in his right mind or not? Is he playing crazy or did he finally just want to put Tony out for good? This episode has paved the way for a high drama season and it's shaping up to be the most exciting since season three.
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