Deal or No Deal (2005–2019)
character analysis at it's most interesting level
7 April 2006
Well, I, for one, find this show to be very interesting and entertaining. Walk away when the commercials come on and come back three or four minutes later and you will eliminate most of the irritation. Howie Mandel does a really good-natured hosting bit that should be a lesson to those that take themselves too seriously.

The girls are great and are having a lot of fun. This show will develop into a truly entertaining habit for the American viewing audience.

I found myself muttering at the ridiculous offers of the mysterious banker (the cheap creep ... get real!) I wanted some of the macho type, posturing contestants to refuse an offer and have to settle for a lot less. (goody goody) .. The whole gamut of human emotions that is strung out here is quite consuming... I look forward to the next show to see what sort of contestant we have and how they will handle it.

I should like so much to slap some of the contestants silly. Greed is either funny or pathetic and sometimes both at once. Tune in and feel very superior to these poor creatures and find yourself pulling for some of them and despising others. All the facets of watching a wrestling match without having to ignore the phoniness. These people really do want that money.

I am trying to tell you why you are going to get hooked. A very nice package and I say, "Yay, Howie, keep it on the fun level that it is now. Watch it. Enjoy it. Don't let anyone tell you it is not worth while until you have tried it yourself. Any night it is NOT on, I am very disappointed.

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