4 April 2006
What a film!

FINALLY someone portrays severe manic depression as it truly occurs... This film shows it's connection to creativity, and misery.

Daniel Johnston has talent, although some reviewers here seem to think that reviewing this documentary is akin to critiquing his talent...and why that is may be reason for yet another film...just a need to be critical? I wonder what label that personality trait will get someday...

Anyway...Putting aside a discussion of whether or not the main character has talent or not...unfortunately, the best expressions of his song-writing talents occurred in his younger years, before mental illness took it's toll on his brain and body. So, to appease the excessively- critical amongst us, it would have been better to see some of the mainstream artists doing covers of his better stuff...perhaps in the DVD?

Well - He his actually now 'well-known' for his drawings, which have been shown internationally, and for good reasons - they are unique and fascinating.

Back to the film...

It's simple to critique this one!:

As has been said by an award-winning Director, "I go to the movies to laugh, to cry, and to be scared."

And, YES....This one did it all.
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