Unsuspendible Disbelief
3 April 2006
This movie did not make it for me, a key reason being a totally unbelievable spoiler I won't divulge here, revealed so late in the screenplay it is almost a "so what?" I couldn't get beyond the poor casting choices. The august Anthony Hopkins has no business in this role, on several counts, not the least of which is his mature unsuitability, with or without Viagra (mentioned and mispronounced several times in dialog), as a sex object for anyone-much less a younger and beautiful character played by Kidman. Sir Anthony, the romantic leading man days are over. And you still haven't managed to throttle the British accent after all these years. The viewer also cannot believe that the character Hopkins plays could possibly have any interest, on any level, in the tawdry, sub-vocal Nicole Kidman character, played to her usual unidimensional perfection. The chief stain here is on the professional reputations of all concerned.
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