Shooting Dogs (2005)
not for the faint hearted but a superb film
2 April 2006
for anyone thinking of going - if like me you're interested in real life movies and you like these sort of films it's a must see. its a similar theme to Hotel Rwanda only far more graphic. i felt that was one of HR's only downfalls - that it didn't hit home hard enough, but by god this one does.

there's nothing that i didn't already know in this film, but it doesn't make it any easier to understand no matter how many books/films/documentaries i've seen on the issue. it's one of those films where you're watching wondering what you would do in a similar situation but come away at the end of it thinking i just don't know. would you sacrifice yourself, would you fight back, would you run - impossible to say.

what's definite is that the plight of the people being hunted would haunt you til the day you died whether that be in rwanda or in old age if you were one of the very few lucky ones.

it doesn't make easy viewing, but I'm glad i went. it's well made in my humble opinion and captures the brutal executions in all their horrific splendour.

i wont ruin it but some of the key makers of the film were tutsis themselves and they are pictured in the credits at the end. one of them has particular relevance to me as he's wearing a glasgow celtic top, my team and he looks as happy sa anyone I've ever seen. i think he lost 30 members of his family in the genocide.

well worth seeing but if you're easily affected by what this world can be like or you're the type of person who tends to avoid such films because they are 'depressing' then avoid it like the plague. me, i thought it was excellent.
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