Entertaining cop maniac horror movie!!!
3 April 2006
Psycho Cop Returns (1993) is a movie that entertained me, very low budget and very poor acting, but i found it to be pretty fun!!!! Bobby Ray Shaffer once again plays the "psycho cop" officer Vickers, who gatecrashes an office party, the party is filled with dorky young men and strippers!! Psycho Cop wants to kill them all off one by one and stalks and slashes his way through the party, but can anyone stop him before everyone is dead?? Shaffer is great fun as the "Psycho Cop" and comes out with loads of funny one liners during his killing spree!! Like i said before, this was all good fun and kept me entertained for the 85 minute duration, there's some gore, some hot sex and plenty of sexy women on show, i haven't seen the 1st Psycho cop movie but i've heard it's not as fun or gory as this one!! I rate this movie 7/10, recommended for fans of the Maniac cop series!!
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