31 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK...this might not be the worst movie ever made, but it's close.

SPOILER... (Can you really spoil a movie that stinks this badly?)

Readers Digest version of the plot:

Grieving couple move into house that's been empty for 20 years. Wife starts seeing signs saying she is going to die in 7 days (hence the title of the movie). Husband doesn't believe her. She does research into the house and finds out that every couple that lives in house dies and/or kills themselves. She tells husband, he ties her up. She gets away and interminable chase begins. Sheriff who was present last time comes to a momentous decision and goes to help wife. Possessed husband is saved by wife saying "I love you", they get out...the house sinks into the swamp...the end.

Yet the house is standing again at the end credits.

I couldn't like anyone in this movie. The wife, who should have left early on, sticks around FAR too long, the "loving" husband is antagonistic and mean even BEFORE he becomes possessed, and the sheriff seems to be a wimp.

The movie defies logic in several places, and the plot is the derivative tripe that makes you laugh, rather than scares you. The acting is the kind of stilted over-acting you see in a bad high school play. The special effects (as little as there were of them) weren't very good. And you can just forget about suspense...What they meant to be suspense, just made the movie drag.

I gave it a 2 for a three reasons:

1. I liked the music. 2. The cinematography was pretty good 3. I was feeling generous when I wrote this review

I would say don't watch this movie for any reason, but it might be fun to watch it with a group of friends with the sole purpose of laughing at it.
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