Review of Slither

Slither (2006)
mmmm...Gore, Nathan Fillion, Comedy, and the creep factor
31 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who has seen their share of "B" movies, I can admit this has many of the keynotes of one. But its a "B" movie with a budget and flair. I loved the fact that I could watch it and be so thoroughly creeped out and gagging one minute and rolling with uncontrollable laughter the next. The acting was quite good,(Nathan Fillion is great) even if the dialogue was sometimes a bit gratuitous with oneliners and profanity(but thats what makes a "B" movie enjoyable, IMO). The effects were good, enough healthy gore to keep you retching and still enjoying it. I was jumping out of my skin and busting my sides laughing at the same time in some parts which was an interesting change. All in all, if you really like gore- its got it. If you have a penchant for "B" movies and black humor- its got it. And if you really just need a great reason to watch Captain Mal kick Mr Svennings arse its got that too. I personally loved it, but I'm weird that way.
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