Who did what? And who is who?
30 March 2006
This is one of those films where the main character doesn't know whether she's coming or going, asleep or awake, or which one of her is real and which one is only a dream.

Is the real Jessie the one who is a cold female assassin? Or is the real Jessie the nervous bride on her honeymoon? Or is she either one of these women? Or perhaps she's both? Is Brian just her boyfriend? Or is he her husband? Or maybe he's the man who either raped her or perhaps that was only an attempted rape? Is her rapist now stalking her? Does Brian want to kill her, or does he really, really love her? Almost all of these questions sort of get answered by the end of the film.

Jessie is played by Anne Parilland, an actress so terribly thin she'd be lucky if she weighed 85 lbs. soaking wet. Which raises another question - is this actress anorexic? Brian is portrayed by Billy Baldwin, who thank God has his hair very dark in this film, and is looking good. He used to have it blond which I couldn't stand.
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