Black Widower (2006 TV Movie)
Black Widower **1/2 When The Obvious isn't that Bad
28 March 2006
Ed Amos is a good looking guy. He is a GM executive. He has money and is very popular. He is even the Republican candidate for mayor in a small Indiana town. Trouble is that Amos' 3 wives all died suddenly under very mysterious circumstances as well as his mother.

Isn't it obvious that something is terribly wrong?

Ed is such a charmer that he has literally been able to get away with murder for all these years. His latest mother-in-law complains that something is wrong. Later on, we find out that she has been meeting him secretly and knew him before he married her daughter. What's going on here?

By the way, did he drop out of the mayor's race when wife #2 died? (She was also a closet Democrat who privately joked that she'd vote for the opposition.)

A prosecutor arrives on the scene who decides to take the bull by the horns and go for murder 1. At one point, the prosecutor announces that her husband died of heart disease. Ironically, he was a cardiologist! I began to wonder about her.

Nevertheless, she uncovers the way that Ed did away with wife #3 and most likely the other ladies as well. Pretty intriguing.

This is a true story and Ed is serving a life sentence. He was never brought to trial in the other 3 deaths.
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