Star Trek Phase II (2004–2023)
Hard to believe it is just a Fan Film
28 March 2006
I was quite shocked to see the production quality and special effects. I cannot imagine what it cost to make each episode and I am amazed that the cast and crew were willing to invest in this to the extent evident. The special effects were far beyond "home garage" type things and in some respects were better than the Original Series. Although the acting was not the greatest, the stories were good and it was wonderful to just see some of the things I first loved about Star Trek.

Although I would have liked for Kirk, Spock and McCoy to be the same actors or at least look-alikes, I understand the decision to have new faces while maintaining the same character names. I will never be able to separate the original actors from their character but at least by having Kirk, et al, they do not have to keep wasting time linking back to TOS episodes to explain that "Kirk and the Enterprise once found X" as background and can just move ahead with the story.

I hope that once the goal is reached of making 22 episodes, Paramont will allow DVDs to be produced or something. I would like to see the people involved in making this receive some credit and a return on their investment. They did a great job.
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