House M.D.: Role Model (2005)
Season 1, Episode 17
Off the beaten track
27 March 2006
Vogler blackmails House into attending to a stricken senator with presidential aspirations played by veteran actor Joe Morton. Turns out the senator has a lot more wrong with him than just dizzy spells. He almost dies, partly due to misdiagnoses. House eventually solves the mystery, and frankly this was not one of my favorite episodes. However, House gets off a highly memorable line: when Morton, who is black, asks House what he thinks his presidential chances are, House says something like, "They don't call it the White House because of its paint." And House sabotages Vogler in a unique way, but this you must see for yourself because I am not telling. Meanwhile, Cameron fades away. A grotesque clinic scene involves an extremely fat woman whom House thinks may be pregnant. She's not, and the situation goes from bad to worse before House is finally able to straighten it out.
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