This Film is Great
27 March 2006
I saw expiration date at the Omaha Film Festival in Nebraska. The film is about Charlie Silver cloud who's father and grandfather were both Killed by milk trucks on their 25th Birthdays. Charlie Has accepted this fate and is preparing for his death,( Buying a grave, getting a plot, buying a suit, taking his library books back, etc.). Charlie Pissis of a girl when he buys a coffin she planned to buy for her mother. Now Charlie just trying to die in peace but this crazy Girl Wont let him. I Loved this film it is Original and Has lots of Black Comedy bu t also some romance.

Experation Date took The best Film at the Omaha Film Festival It also took best feature Film by Viewers Choice. DON"T MISS IT if its near you!. It is coming out on DVD in September (roughly)
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