This movie takes vigilante to a whole different level
27 March 2006
I own this movie and I remember going to see it when it came out. A female cop gets raped by a gang of punks who's lawyer gets them off with a slap on the wrist. This cop is then approached by a lady doctor whose young daughter was attacked and killed by a pedophile. The women form a support group for women who have been sexually assaulted or abused. Within the group the doc and the cop along with other "hardcore" members decide to take matters in to their own hands. With the cop's help, they track down sex offenders and take out their own "special brand" of justice. It was sooo much fun to watch all the women in the theatre cheering the ladies on and watching all the guys slink down in their seats giving their girls covert looks. You could just hear them thinking: Would she?? Remember, this was in the days BEFORE Lorena Bobbit. I think it's a great movie especially for the tongue-in-cheek neo feminist set. If you can find it (try half.com), it's a great movie for a "man bash" session. Just invite your girlfriends over and open a bottle of merlot and have some laughs.
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