Engrossing tearjerker
25 March 2006
1959's "Imitation of Life" was a remake of the 1934 version starring Claudette Colbert, Louise Beavers, and Fredi Washington. Both are marvelous in their own way. The '59 version changes a few plot points - the Turner character isn't a Jewish businesswoman, and there's no pancake batter and a big business success for the two women. Rather, Turner plays an an aspiring actress with a small daughter who meets Juanita Moore and daughter at the beach. As with the original, Moore just kind of moves in, needing a place to live. When her daughter gets older, she tries to pass for white.

The '59 version is done as a glossy soap opera - and why not, it stars Lana Turner in all her glamour and beauty and is directed by the master of this type of film, Douglas Sirk. Sandra Dee plays Turner's daughter - great casting - and beautiful Susan Kohner is Moore's daughter, Sarah Jane. Kohner's real life mother was an actor and her father a big-time agent/producer, Paul Kohner. Susan Kohner retired from show business when she married the designer, John Weitz. Today, their two sons are producers.

The acting kudos in "Imitation of Life" belong to Juanita Moore, who gives a touching performance as Annie and just breaks your heart. Kohner is excellent as well; in fact, the two were nominated for best supporting Oscars. John Gavin, Robert Alda, and Troy Donahue also appear in the film, Donahue in a nasty, small role and Gavin as Turner's love interest.

One of the great tear-jerking melodramas of all time - a very different experience than the original - if you can see both, do so.
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