The Chatterley Affair (2006 TV Movie)
Enthralling TV but glad it was late night viewing
24 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What a clever idea! The complementary story of the two lovers and the tedious stuffy dialogue of the trial were neatly interwoven so that we were constantly wondering how things would turn out, even though everyone knows the book was eventually published. And has it depraved and corrupted us all? Well maybe it has. There were two people who certainly wondered about that, at the end. Excellent acting, especially in the court. Tennant was wonderful as Hoggart. The young wife who couldn't make out what was going on did a splendid job with a small part, totally convincing. Perhaps more so than the woman juror who made such an obvious pass at her husband. Nevertheless a great film that should have critical success.
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