Unwanted Return
24 March 2006
Only the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent in this film. Well, actually, it's just the names that give it a tenuous connection to the original Josey Wales starring Clint Eastwood. Sadly, Micheal Parks is no substitute for Eastwood either as actor or director and neither is any of the rest of the cast close to the characters in the first film.

At least you can't accuse anyone of trying to cash in on the original film's success as this was made ten years later. Exactly why they bothered is another question altogether. Filmed very cheaply, a couple of saloons and some outside shooting in a small town make up the locations. With a shootout in the open as the closing finale.

Little spent on the sound recording either or perhaps they were trying for the naturalistic dialogue as done by the likes of Marlon Brando or Mickey Rourke. All of which may be how ordinary people do actually speak in real life but just comes across as mumbling on the big screen.

Apart from the grisly comeuppance of the villain at the end, there is nothing to distinguish this from any of the countless 'oaters' or horse operas of the fifties that were churned out by the film studios of the time.

For dedicated western fans or people with too much time on their hands only.
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