Review of Hot Millions

Hot Millions (1968)
A Nifty Caper Movie
22 March 2006
Okay, for those that dislike this movie, I agree this ain't Olivier doing Shakespeare. But it is a charming little caper movie that could only have been made in the sixties.

Peter Ustinov plays a charming embezzler and Maggie Smith plays a not-so dumb-in-the end secretary that he marries. It doesn't have any roll on the floor laughs but then again it doesn't try to. Made before the blockbuster era of Jaws and Star Wars and even before the crass but extremely funny humor of M.A.S.H., simple movies like this could be made for a modest cost without being expected to be the next Gone With The Wind.

If you come across this movie, just enjoy it without looking for any deep underlying message.
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