Absolutely fabulous!
21 March 2006
This is really one of the best sci-fi mini-series for kids. But not only for kids - adults will also love it. Unfortunalety the series is only available in Germany :-( If you ever catch it on telly - than please WATCH IT! There's a DVD available with an making of the series. Bytheway: Armin Maiwald - the director of "Robbi, Tobbi und das Fliewatüüt" - is very famous in Germany because of the weekly show "Die Sendung mit der Maus". "Die Sendung mit der Maus" is a TV-show for kids, that maybe compared with the "Couriosity Show" (does anyone still know this show?) crossed with "Sesame Street". Back to "Robbi, Tobbi & das Fliewatüüt": Remember that this series is more than 30 years old - but it is IMHO the right movie to show "nowadays" kids that there don't have to be expensive special-effects like in "Harry Potter" or "The Chrinicles of Narnia" to tell a wonderful story that actually really work.
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