The elusive lotus of perfection, found by Schrab
19 March 2006
Hitchcock, Kubrick, Scorsese, Kusosawa and Bergman, titans of the movie industry, visionaries, and men names greater than time, and yet, they must step aside and make room for Robert Schrab, who has presented us with a blinding vision which the psyche can only endeavor to grasp in its entirety.

What can we truly say about 'Robot Bastard!' that has already not been said? Honor, desire, betrayal, and sacrifice, all these thing so elegantly presented in this masterpiece, aptly named 'Robot Bastard!'. Like an artist who deftly wields his sable brush, Schrab paints for us a new place and a new time where the essence and depth of idealism, and self-sacrifice are starkly portrayed, coming through the screen to penetrate into the deepest recesses of the audiences' hearts and minds.

As we watch we inadvertently begin to question our own humanity, and what makes a man a man and a machine only a machine. And although we believe we have answers, the question continues to roll around in our minds, shattering our preconceived belief system for the answer is greater than mere words can describe.

This film will change you, it will elicit tears of sadness and of joy, and in the end, the bittersweet ending, will leave you empty, and yet fulfilled at the same time. This is, one of the great films of our time, and any time, and is the ultimate justification and recompense to the creator who gave us the ability to reason and the free will to carry out our desires.

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