I Guess I Just Didn't Get It...
19 March 2006
I don't know where to really begin with A HOLE IN MY HEART. I honestly can't say what the point of this film is, other than maybe to show how people can be around other people but still live a life of vast and overpowering loneliness - or the film could have no meaning whatsoever - either way, my initial statement is all I could really take away from this one - and even if that IS the message, I didn't much care by the time I got through this one. I'll be honest - my main reason for trying this one out in the first place were because some of the things I read about it made it sound like a primo nihilistic sleaze film (which would have been right up my alley...) unfortunately - it just isn't...A HOLE IN MY HEART is told very "art-house" style with weird sound FX and strange SOV camera movements and what-not, that to me are less artsy than they are just a cover for incompetent camera work. I won't fault the director yet, as this is the first of his works that I've seen - but so far, I'm not impressed...

The "story" is about a kid named Eric who lives with his father who makes no-budget porn films in their apartment with the help of his other male buddy. Eric is the quintessential "alienated youth" - long scruffy hair, sits around doing nothing but listening to weird music on his headphones and plays with his pet worms. He also has a malformed hand, which I guess plays into the story in the fact that he seems to suffer from pretty low self-esteem. His mother died when he was four years old, and I guess he's having a hard time with that too, but not much is made of it, so who knows whats going on there...Anyway, one day a chick named Tess comes by to be in the porn vids, and Eric's dad and his dad's friend get to bangin' her for their films. The rest of the film is pretty much different scenes involving the Dad, the friend, and Tess in situations of either having sex, or just hanging out - while Eric sits in his room and has little day-dreams or has short monologues about different things. The only "resolution" that the end provides, is that it seems that all of these "characters" are caught up in their own self-pity and self-hatred so much that they can't break free from one another...

A lot will be made of the few "graphic" scenes (there's a few "spliced-in" scenes of a labiaplasty operation and some other surgery footage, and one of the guys pukes in the chicks mouth at one point...) but honestly, these scenes aren't all that shocking or revolting, unless you're totally unprepared for it - but being that this film isn't a "popular" film - I would assume that anyone that's going to peep it has SOME idea of the content. There's very little character development or "backstory" on the characters involved, so I can't feel any real emotion towards them. There are a few "interesting" hints of things that happened in the pasts of these people, but it's never really expanded on. Also there is far too much male full-frontal, with the two main guys standing around a bunch with their dongs hangin' out - and not nearly enough from the OK lookin' female lead. Anyway - maybe I'm just not real hip on "art-house" and "experimental" films - but I do dig a lot of subversive and sleazy films, and this one really didn't do it for me. I'll go with a middle-of-the-road 5/10, because I didn't love it, or hate it...I just didn't get it...
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