Review of Session 9

Session 9 (2001)
the acting was okay but the story....
17 March 2006
the acting in this movie was better than could be expected with what they were given to work with. props to all the guys who had to work with the horrible, horrible script.

i have seen many different movies and this was by far the worst! the dialoge is horrible, and the plot is predictable (my friend with me, thinks it wasn't that predictable, so maybe it was just to me). without spoiling the storyline, there is a subplot/parallel that makes absolutely no sense to the main plot line and just was not connected the right way. the cinematography was fine and added to the movie, but there was just no way to save this movie from itself.

my friends and i to this day use this movie as our in "hey the movie we just watched sucked, but it was better than session 9!"
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