Snakehead Terror (2004 TV Movie)
An appreciation of B-movies is necessary
16 March 2006
The folks who complain about the awfulness of this movie don't seem to have an appreciation of the fine art of B-movies. Why would anyone watch something called "Snakehead Terror" and NOT expect it to be cheesy? I saw this movie under perfect conditions - on late-night cable in a hotel room in Bangkok - and I can tell you that it met all of my expectations. Moderate acting skills, the requisite spunky teenagers, monsters that attacked with predictable regularity, absurd coincidences, laughs both intentional and unintentional, and several surprising scares. Not to mention a surprisingly high body count. (I was surprised how MANY of the spunky teenagers became fish food.) Watch this with the right mind-set (i.e., it ain't "Lawrence of Arabia" or "Jaws"), and you'll have a grand old time.
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