Augusta, Gone (2006 TV Movie)
Augusta Gone!
15 March 2006
I thought the movie Augusta, Gone was awesome! It really related to some of the things that happened in my past and present. In 2003, I pulled a knife out on my mother and stabbed her. In the beginning of this movie, Augusta does the same but doesn't stab her mother.

I was a great kid in my younger years but I got involved with the wrong crowd and really messed up my life.

I'm still struggling to do whats best for me but i'm trying my hardest. I have my step sister/best friend/ idol to help me through my hard times. Shes the best.

My older sister Kaiti, Ryan and I all watched the movie on the 13th on lifetime! It was wonderful. We reminded ourselves everyday for 2 weeks.

I told my older brother Mark about it and he made fun of me saying "Are you sure it wasn't the movie of your life." Ehh, what an ass.

Well I have to go but I just wanted to say a little something about the movie and how it relates to me in this life that I lead! Bailee
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