Silent Rage (1982)
Appreciation where it is due
15 March 2006
This movie is pretty much how everyone describes it (a B-grade flick), but there is one worthy element that I feel most people have missed. Brian Libby's character creation was nothing short of brilliant. During the first half of the movie this might not be so noticeable, but towards the end, and especially during the final fight sequence, his movements and mannerisms are highly original and unique. The director would have told him to play the part of a man that has become almost zombie-like, and who has the ability to recover quickly and suddenly, and then left the rest up to the imagination of Brian. Well Brian certainly rose to the occasion, and his work in that last portion of the movie alone should have earned him an award. So yeah, the movie overall might be B-grade stuff, but Brian Libby deserves credit and recognition where it is due, and it is worth while seeing the film just for what he brings to the screen in that last half. I'll add an extra few points out of respect to Brian Libby, and give the film 7/10.
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