One Six Right (2005)
The One-Six-Right DVD is Magnificent !
14 March 2006
Have received my copy of the International Release DVD - There's only one word to describe it - Magnificent !

It's a long way from Australia to California, and I personally have never flown at or into Van Nuys. Nevertheless, the history as related brings back fond memories of my own active flying days. For this 63 year old, they were many many moons ago now.

I especially appreciate that DC3 landing without anything more than a three inch bounce. When Melbourne's International Airport had been open but a few weeks, I landed in such a way (probably about three feet, and several of them) as to earn a commendation from tower for not bursting a tire. An ATC would be hauled over the coals for such a comment today.

I appreciate I'm just one of I assume to be many overseas recipients, but would you please pass on my thanks and congratulations to all concerned.

Cheers - Ken Dowell Melbourne, Australia
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