Lucky Lady (1975)
Recounting an unusual evening at the cinema.
13 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I feel I am triple blessed.Not only did I see this movie with the last two reels shown in reverse order,but the same hapless projectionist also tacked on two different endings just to complete a sublime evening's entertainment.As I stumbled,brain - numbed ,into the foyer ,I spotted the cinema manager cowering behind a pillar.As the theatre emptied I explained what had occurred under his stewardship.He nodded from time to time,glancing around nervously as he did so.By the time I had finished outlining my complaint I was the only patron in sight and his relief was palpable."Well,nobody else has complained",he said,"you must have been the only one that noticed".He offered me a free ticket for the next night's showing but I made my excuses and left. I speak as an unashamed fan of Mr Reynolds and Mr Hackman whose combined talents had led me to abandon my warm fire and labrador to drive 25 miles across Sussex to watch "Lucky Lady".28 years later I'm glad I did because the experience is the nearest I have ever had to spending an evening on LSD.And it was completely legal.I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved from Messrs Hackman and Reynolds to the lady who so happily sold me my ticket.I have absolutely no idea what the film was about and I doubt if Burt or Gene did either.
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