Review of Hidalgo

Hidalgo (2004)
Good movie but length ,and a few nagging holes are an issue.
13 March 2006
The only reason i saw such a movie was because i got the DVD from one of my friends. Its quite clear i had medium expectations from this film. However this movie exceeded my expectations on some departments and let them down in others.

The major problem was the length because even though you don't really get bored you realise after the film that not really much happened in this film in so much time.

A nagging problem was the casting of vigo mortesen as lead, he is a great actor and fits the role perfectly IF you ignore the fact that he is half red Indian.Also as he is a person who is so confused as to his roots,we could have definitely had more character building in such a long film.

The locations and sets are breath taking and even though we have a whole lot of stereotypes it is carried of with panache.

Other than that this movie has feel good and rustic factor about it, and the only thing i could have asked for more is a shorter film.

Good movie worth watching once more of a 6.5/10.
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