A horrendous adaptation.
12 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Having anticipated this movie for months, I can only say that I am horrendously disappointed by the way this film was presented. The landscape and costuming was well done, but that was about it. The dialogue was woefully unsuited to the type of story presented (I was looking for dialogue written to the standards of Lord of the Rings, what we got was more suited to a summer action movie). I cannot believe the amount of swearing in the movie; while the Danes would have cursed, they wouldn't have been dropping the f-word constantly.

I am disappointed in the character of Beowulf. As the film goes on, the protagonist begins to question the morality of his role in the Grendel affair. From my understanding of the morals of the culture of the time, Beowulf should have had no problems with killing Grendel. The monster had killed kinsman of his kinsman, which brought Beowulf into the whole affair. Even if the deaths of these men was retribution for the killing of Grendel's father, the hero was morally obliged to avenge Hrothgar's kin.

The character of Selma is hopelessly contrived and unnecessary. The quiet acceptance of her own violation is extremely troubling, as was her defense of Grendel. Her role was unnecessary in the movie; there was already enough plot elements to cause Beowulf a quandary without her, especially the way the king was walling apart. On a stylistic note, it would have been nice if the actress could have made an effort to speak in a different accent... she was completely out of place among all the British and Scandinavian accents otherwise featured.

This is capped by the very poor explanation of many characters, especially Queen Wealhtheow, King Hygelac, and Grendel's Mother. Their existence is not explained, nor even their names. This made the movie hard to follow, especially when Grendel's Mother entered the picture. Several of my companions thought that she was Grendel and Selma's child's real mother! I am normally willing to give some leeway to adaptations, but this movie was undeniably bad. The plot development was slow, the characters were confusing, and many of the elements (Selma, the Christians) did nothing for the real plot. I regret having spent money to see it.
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