Heebie Jeebies (2005 Video)
Heebie Jeebies:The comedy
10 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was like getting kicked in the nut sack repeatedly. Where to start, first: The dreams made no sense. At all. The auditions for actors seemed to be who can show the least possible emotion, as everyone talks in monotone and never show anything. The one guy, while being CLEAVED IN HALF, showed no emotion. The whole part with a wood chipper was retarded, as she had no lower torso but STILL had enough strength to pull a 200 pound fat guy into the wood chipper with her. The end, when she shaves her hair, I mean why? What was the purpose? Oh and that punch was pathetic.

The little statues are quite possibly the funniest things alive. The guy straps flashlights onto him to defend himself (curiously they all DIE and also they point in RETARDED locations). And then they do math to find out when they can be killed, at 6:66. The idiot thief figures out the right time while the professional screws up.

Anyways, if your wasted beyond belief or if you REALLY don't like someone rent this movie. If you bought it, I suggest fire. This movie is not good at all. There's nothing in it that can be considered scary. The killer has no reason to be killing, and in the end the main character gets RUN DOWN.

It was quite funny!
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