Average Genre Flick
7 March 2006
This wasn't bad but wasn't very good. It ticked all the right boxes for a horror, but it was just so stupid I'm surprised it never got a PG rating with it's comic book violence. Supposedly brutal scenes were so OTT it became a bit of a farce in places.

I got sucked in by all the hype, but I was pretty disappointed. However by the half-way mark I was looking at the film as a comedy, and actually started to find it reasonably enjoyable... kind of like Sin City, but not as stylish and with a really bad story.

Was the rising of the weakest character into a blood drenched mentalist with a baby in one hand and a bat in the other a deliberate attempt to try and create a horror icon like Ash? If so, in my eyes it failed.

But yes, it's pretty funny :)
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