Review of Othello

Othello (1922)
An Atmospheric and Very Interesting Adaptation
6 March 2006
This atmospheric and very interesting adaptation of Shakespeare's "Othello" adds a good dose of German silent film style to the classic story of jealousy and deceit. Although at times the emphasis is placed somewhat differently than in the original, the adaptation shows good judgment in highlighting the themes and sequences that would work the best on the silent screen.

The basic story holds closely to the plot of the play. Emil Jannings makes a fine Othello, since his emotional style fits the volatile character well. Werner Krauss is particularly memorable as Iago. Of the main characters, Iago is the one who comes across most differently from the role in the play - here he is jaunty rather than sullen, an evil genius who shows obvious relish in each step of his malicious plans. The character and Krauss's performance work quite well for a movie adaptation. Another interesting difference is that here Emilia's role is enlarged and given more importance, in comparison with the play.

The emphasis is, as it should be in Shakespeare, on the characters; but the photography, settings, and the rest of the production are all of good quality as well. It's quite a good version of the story for a movie made in the early 1920s.
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