Review of The Note

Seinfeld: The Note (1991)
Season 3, Episode 1
The Note is a true classic Seinfeld episode, and one of my favorites, George is hysterically funny in this one!
5 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
*plot*. This time around Jerry inadvertently makes some comments about a kid, that got kidnapped in Pennsylvania, and that gets the physical therapist Julianna paranoid about her kid, while George worries that men may turn him on, while Kramer notices Joe DiMaggio in dinky donuts.

The Note is a true classic Seinfeld episode, and one of my favorites, George is hysterically funny in this one!. I simply loved the story for this one, and the opening with the physical therapist Julianna getting paranoid that Jerry is some psycho, because he talked about a kid that got abducted in Pennsylvania, is just hilarious, plus it's well written by Larry David. Tom Cherones does a great job of directing, and George's reactions when Ray is giving him the massage, are a riot, plus Jerry's opening stand up about how doctors all can't be the best was really funny. This episode just has so many classic moments, and the ending to this was great, plus the Seinfeld characters have fully developed at this point. It's extremely well made, and Terri Hanauer(Julianna) and Jeff Lester are both fantastic in there hilarious roles, plus, I'm glad they didn't keep the new music they had at that point, as it was terrible. The Note is a true classic Seinfeld episode, and one of my favorites, George is hysterically funny in this one. ***** out of 5

Favorite quotes.

George: I can't get a massage from a man. Elaine: Why not?. George: What are you crazy?, I can't have a man touching me, switch me. Elaine: No I don't want the man either. George: What's the difference your a woman, their supposed to be touching you. Elaine: He'd just be touching your back. George: He'd just be touching your back too. Elaine: No it could get sexual. George: I know!, that's the point, if it's gonna get sexual, it should get sexual with you. Elaine: I wouldn't be comfortable. George: I would?. George: What if something happens?. Elaine: Oh, what could happen?. George: What if it felt good. Elaine: It's supposed to feel good. George: I don't want it to feel good. Elaine: Then why get the massage. George: Exactly!.

*George in jerry's apartment after massage treatment*. Jerry: What's with you?. George: A.... Jerry: Yes A....George A man gave me... Jerry: Yes A man gave you... George: A Man gave me a massage. Jerry: So?. George: So he had his hands and he was... Jerry: He was what?!. George: He was touching and rubbing. Jerry: That's a massage. George: Then I took my pants off. Jerry: You took your pants off?. George: For my hamstring. Jerry: Oh. George: He got about two inches from there *points down below*. Jerry: Really?. George: I think it moved. Jerry: It moved?. George: It may have moved, I don't know. Jerry: I'm sure it didn't move. George: It moved!, it was imperceptible, but I felt it. Jerry: Maybe it just wanted to switch positions, you know shift to the other side.

George: I don't even like to use urinals, always been a stall man.

*Holyfield poster segment*. Roy(Lloyd): Holyfield,he's a good friend of one of my patients, he's got a hell of a body, Doesen't he?. George: How should I know?. Roy: Do you like him?. George: What do you mean like him?. Roy: Do you like him?. George: Well, I mean he's a good fighter and a nice guy, but I don't like him. Roy: How come you don't like him?. George: Why should I?. Jerry: What is the matter with you?. George: Nothing why?, you think something's wrong, am I different?.

George: Men have been popping into my sexual fantasies, all of a sudden I'm in the middle. Elaine Of what?. George: (gives the look). George: And a guy will appear from out of nowhere, I said what do you want?, get out of here, you don't belong here. Elaine: What do they do?. George: They talk back, they say hey George, how's it going?, I said get the hell out of here!.

*George* referring to Joe DiMaggio. George: You see now that is a handsome man.
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