The Stoopidist Movie
2 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie presents a scenario where a virus not just creates havoc on a computer and transmission from that computer via an infected file. (which I am sure most computer owners have experienced.) it also presents ridiculous scenarios that could never work out in the real world. I am a fan of sci-fi, but when the sci-fi is so stoopid, I could not recommend the work of such stoopitidy.

The movie insults some people with an idea that a virus can electrocute a person sitting in a mobile electric chair - the person is insulated from all metallic points of the chair and the chair is in no way wired to high voltage that would be able to cross simple insulation.

Then the virus activates a Halon system. Halon systems are similar to fire sprinkler systems, but it emits a halon gas, which is non combustible. The way it works is, it disperses oxygen. As the Halon is dispensed, fire consumers oxygen and the Halon actually blankets the fire so new oxygen can be introduced into the fire. Only problem with the movie scenario is, like sprinkler systems, halon systems can only be triggered from heat sensors at their nozzles.

The main actor is guilty of bad acting when halon is introduced into the room and after a few minutes, he "acts" like he has breathed halon gas. In the real world, nobody would have such a reaction to inhaling halon gas. A person who is in a room that is being flooded by halon gas would simply get sleepy, lay down and fall asleep.
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