Mash before Mash
1 March 2006
I fear that I'm writing this out of fond memories - I was reminded of this film in looking up Gregory Peck, and haven't seen it in years, but I have a vivid memory of it. Being a reluctant fan of Peck - Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn?!?!?!?!?, but he was just so imminently likable! Having seen several, but by no means all, of his films, I would have to say this is one of the best. Atticus Finch is his #1 role, but this is a fine movie overall. Great ensemble cast, highs of humor and highs of sadness. It is intentionally claustrophobic, being set inside a small, stuffy hospital. It is the beauty of the film that you can feel the tightness, smell the smells, and know all of the characters as though you were there in a way few films accomplish. When we do go outside, it is like being an uncaged bird, but then it is also bleak and lonely, being an isolated location in the desert. Probably somewhat obscure at this point - my provider doesn't stock it - but worth seeking out, I think.
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