A film of profound dishonesty
15 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film starts out with a mix of things, animations, a deaf woman going about her life, talking heads talking physics. It all seems like a nice dance around quantum physics principles, addressing some of the messy edges that are either hard to understand or not yet understood.

However at some critical point the film switches to complete a BS description of ice crystal growth influenced by meditators, followed by an equally BS descriptions of electronic random sources being influenced by meditators. This is thoroughly debunked non science and has no place being represented as truth.

The film then descends into a morass of nonsense, attempting to link every facet of pseudoscience BS back to the quantum physical principles discussed earlier. The density of real physicist talking heads drops off and the density of loony fringe talking heads increases.

The remainder of the film is painful to watch. Seeing a crowd of gullible idiots lap it up as truth did not inspire my confidence in humanity. Someone ditz even clapped at the end. The bad stuff consumes the larger part of the film and it feels way too long.

One amusing twist was seeing the scenes in the Bagdad Theatre in Portland, since I was watching it in the Bagdad Theatre in Portland.

This film should come with a health warning. If you want to watch it, see the film up until the ice crystals then leave, unless you're in the Bagdad Theatre in Portland, where you might want to wait until the bit where she goes into said theatre.
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