Touching Evil (1997–1999)
Good - but those crosses.... tut-tut.
26 February 2006
I have just seen the first ever episode and that one was okay, decent crime with good acting from both leads and supports, good lines and a believable story. Something which could happen any day to any of us still makes the best story for crime, I think.

Especially Ian McDiarmid as the mysterious Professor Hinks was a fine piece of casting.

Unfortunately, there was one thing which really distracted me and pulled me out of the story for a moment. The story led us also to Stuttgart, Germany. There was a scene on a cemetery. And there they were: Irish crosses. On a German cemetery? I don't think so. I'm not even sure, they are allowed here, as I have never seen any here. And then the street in the suburbs of Stuttgart. The houses looked so distinctively English, it couldn't have been more obvious with Rule Britannia painted onto the windows! Houses like those you will never find in Germany. The old lady living there was also not really German. Maybe once, a long time ago, but you heard a big accent. She sounded as if she hadn't spoken German for along time. So, Mr Producer, next time, please either go to Germany or set the story somewhere else. Don't take your countrymen for so stupid not to notice, okay? Oh yes, the Brandenburg Gate at Stuttgart airport was equally lovely. Why should a building from Berlin be on a huge picture in Stuttgart? Doesn't make any sense, really.

Apart from that, the beginning of the series was good and I hope the remaining episodes will be as good or better - as long as they stay in Britain!
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