Poor DVD actually makes the movie interesting
25 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I sat watching this and I was drifting off into dreamland so many times. I mean, what's the point of this movie? There's nothing even remotely interesting about the story or the technique. It just goes from one scene to the next trying to be interesting but really just adding confusing elements that don't matter at all in the end. And the ending just shoots outta left field. But back to my first point. I was watching and slipping in and out of sleep and I thought I was dreaming when people were talking and it was so outta synch that I was expecting Godzilla to show up and just stomp on the stupid deputy and put an end to my misery. To my disappointment, the Big Fella never showed up. Robert Zdar and Joe Estevez are a guys you will remember seeing from lots of videos in the 1980s. They were pretty cool in Vivian Schilling's vanity piece "Soultaker" but they have no chemistry at all here. Maybe it was just bad direction but Zdar looks like he doesn't care much and he's really in sad physical shape (my prayers for him). Estevez tries his best like a pro but the weight of the silly story is too much for his shoulders. Linnea Quigley is badly miscast as a harridan and you really start to remember how far removed she is from some of her quality roles in the 1980's/90's too.

What I really want to know is if anyone ever saw this movie in a movie theater? Was it so badly synched then too?? I cannot believe that a studio would put out a film so bad technically. Maybe the technicians fell asleep and didn't notice that the sound went off. But even with such unimportant films like this, studios should pay more attention when making the DVDs. It's not fair to the indie filmmakers who try so hard and then get their films treated like so much dust on the floor. The end result is going to reflect badly on the guys who made the film. OK, it's not like the film was going to be good if the sound was properly synched up but it could have avoided being an unintentional comedy. They turned a snoozefest into a laff fest.
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