There was more that they could have discussed.
24 February 2006
In case you've never heard of Rafael Trujillo, he seized power in the Dominican Republic in a 1930 coup, and ruled the country through terror, torture, and assassination over the next thirty years. "In the Time of the Butterflies" portrays the Mirabal sisters, who sought to overthrow him. The movie did a worthy job looking at their lives, although it could have gone into life under Trujillo's regime a little more. Salma Hayek plays Minerva Mirabal and Edward James Olmos plays Trujillo.

Another interesting thing about Trujillo was that, although the US gladly propped him up for so many years, the CIA ended up assassinating him. You see, Trujillo had - like Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein - been using his position to enrich himself rather than the US. So, the CIA assassinated him in 1961. For further information, read "The CIA's Greatest Hits" by Mark Zepezauer.
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