The Abyss
24 February 2006
A failure on several levels...

Throughout his repertoire, Cameron has set out to film water, or more precisely, 'liquidity' -- it's his customary point of departure -- what world could be more cinematic?. It follows that he will try to make parallels between deep ocean and space exploration.

Cameron is also an unabashed showoff, so he must clutter every visual with gadgetry -- the 'look what I can do' factor -- as an unsubtle wink at the audience...every movie he makes.

The deep ocean photography should have been more than enough, but he then has to make a push for SETI and other 'cutting edge' research.

And therein lies a big problem. Cameron uses the most fecklessly infantile animation ever wedged into a big-budget movie, complete with little green men with sped-up voices (extended DVD version), and NASA probes that make noise in the vacuum while firing the retrorockets...this is no way to bolster science.

It all concludes with "The Abyss" finale of mirrored 'aliens' making 'friends' in the deep...how can one push forward cinematically by repeating one's own worst clunker?
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