The 1st Season was pathetic. The 2nd one is great.
22 February 2006
There were a few BAD episodes in the 1st Season (like "This Time With Feelings"): they were boring, non-sense and childish. The show was literally 'jumping the sharks'.

Fortunately, during the 2nd Season the show gets *really* better. Episodes like "Future Shock", "Bradventure" and "Toying With Jenny" are (maybe) unoriginal, but very good. Plus: "Escape From Cluster Prime" is a great TV-Movie, well written and highly re-watchable.

Note: Also, in the 2nd Season, there are a few JennyxBrad moments ("Bradventure" and the TV-Movie): maybe in the upcoming 3rd Season Jenny & Brad will end up together...I hope!

Conclusions: "My Life as a Teenage Robot" is getting better, you should give it a chance...and, if you're a good person, you can try to save Jenny/Xj9 from the cancellation with petitions or sending E-mail to Nickelodeon.
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